Saturday, 19 March 2011

How The Shoot Went (First Attempt) - Kim Bradbury

I felt the shoot went well, however the lighting went quite early so I know that I am going to have to film again. I made a lot of clips so therefore I think my backgroud story will be suffiecient and that I have enough film to create a good match on action.

After filming the intrudor at the door, I thought it was a good idea because the way that he is staring at the daughter is very spooky and weird. However now, after editting I have realised that this stops the suspence straight away so when I film again I am going to try other options of filming from the stalkers point of veiw; e.g. my teacher gave me the idea of filming behind a tree and panning in one direction or to film but with heavy breathing behind the camera to look as if someone is watching.

I was worried when filming that my clips were too dark, but I am very happy with them and next time I am going to film again but slightly earlier as the weather isn't meant to be as good that day later on and its easier to edit film to be darker than it is the other way around.

I also have an issue with the father's voice because my actor is only 19 he does not have the voice of an adult, so I may have to edit in a voice over to acclomplish the end reselt that I want.

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