Sunday, 20 February 2011

Cast & Crew - Kim Bradbury

This is Sam Rayner and he is 19. He played the Father and also the Stalker in the film. He had to drive Charlotte home and then tell her to "make sure you lock the doors, you never know what could happen" and then he had to drive off. We had to run through this scene a few times because although he has held a licence for almost 2 years now he has never driven a 4x4 so kept stalling! After that he then had to have a conversation with my teacher Chris Breese which I then used as a voice over.
Then as the stalker he had to walk across my gravel as I had the camera tilted upwards so we only got his legs in veiw and he also had to hold the camera to give the handheld effect the the camera shot was from his point of veiw. Later he then placed his hand on the tree and then as Charlotte walked past the inveiw window he walked towards the house once again with the handheld effect.

This is Charlotte Woodward and she is 17. She played the daughter and is therefore the key character. She had to be driven by Sam, walk out of the car ignoring her 'father' and then open the door, walk through and then not relock the door. She then greets Bailey, takes off her scarf and walks towards the kitchen to get some biscuits. As she walks back around to go upstairs to her room she hears her dog yelping and then realises that the door which she had closed was now open. She was in every scene and I believe that she played a convincing terrified young girl.

This is Bailey Bradbury and he is almost 2 years old! He had to be greeted by Charlotte and then all by himself he walked off. The sound effect later on sounds as though he is in trouble however "no animals were harmed in the making of this film." 

This is my teacher Chris Breese who gave me and the rest of my class help and advice with our films. He also was the voice of the stalker who threatened the father after he got sacked.

This is Elizabeth Bradbury, in charge of Bradbury productions, and is my mother! She funded my film but also gave Sam permission to use her car on our drive way. She had to look after Bailey until he was called. She was an all round help organising when Sam and Charlotte were both free to come round and made sure that the house looked the same in both times that I filmed.

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