Monday, 14 February 2011

The Art of the Title - Charlotte Woodward & Kim Bradbury

Summary of our films...
 Charlotte Woodward: A young girl home alone discovers that she’s being stalked by a man after mysterious unknown phone calls – survival is the key. Can she escape?
Kim Bradbury: Newly redundant criminals look to take revenge on ex-boss’ daughter. Will “The Visitors” cause damage or will a father’s decision become a regret?

Priorities of our Approach...
 Charlotte Woodward: (a) Usually I come up with the type first, that carries the weight of the character. (b) It needs to be something that wipes you off your feet (due to it’s dramatic effects that will shock the audience). (c) I think more and more that design will allow designers to be storytellers.
Kim Bradbury: (a) When dealing with the opening sequence, you try and relax the audience. (b) It needs to be something that wipes you off your feet (this will contrast the first point as it will be a sudden change in mood). (c) You don’t have to over complicate things to start off with.

Examples of fonts/type we may use...
 Blackadder ICT
Calligraph421 BT
Copperplate Gothic Bold
Eccentric Std
Goudy Stout
High Tower Text
Informal Roman
Letter Gothic STD
LITHOS pro regular
Monotype Corsiva
Orange LET
Viner Hand ITC
Charlotte Woodward:
The examples of film openings that have influenced my decisions are, ‘The Strangers’,Scream’, ‘The Ring’ & ‘Twilight’. I chose ‘The Strangers’ because it is perceived to be based on true events which adds to its chilling, unnerving intentions. I was persuaded by its use of different camera shots, in which the viewer can see the characters surroundings which contributes to the characters personality. In more frightening scenes, Close-Ups and Extreme Close-ups have been used to increase the intensity that is portrayed throughout the film. However, in this particular movie, it is not necessarily the opening scenes that influenced my ideas, it is the dramatic and intense ‘on edge’ occurrences in the film that I have brought into my project.  I chose ‘Scream’ because even though it was an older film, it still had the potential to remain as frightening as it was perceived to be. The sound effects are portrayed as eerie and shocking, with the use of Close-Up and Extreme Close-Up scenes which have been extracted into the film to enhance drama and terror to entice the audience. ‘The Ring’ -  this film has always been an interest, based on how the production of the film is so original, and the ideas are so different to any other film. I liked how it was mainly focused on one character, how the ‘killer’ was out to get that one person. ‘Twilight’ – this film isn’t particularly in my genre (depending on which way you look at it) but I was keen on the lighting and the spooky music and great close up camera shots.
 All of these factors I intend to bring into the making of my opening sequence.

Kim Bradbury:
Paranormal Activity 1&2” are the main films I am going to focus on is due to its realistic nature. The film is perceived to be a true story, and unscripted. I liked certain camera shots, such as a canted view and extreme close up. These films are about suspense and make the film feel like its real life. Many of the scenes are shown to look to be filmed from a handheld camera owned by one of the characters in the film. There are no titles at the end of the film, enhancing the realism, as a normal person with no film editing skills would not put a cast list on their home videos. I hope that all of these points will be used in my film as I want to make my film different from many suspense films and I cannot see this style used in many films. This film will be useful due to its originality and ‘jumpy’ scenes.
“The Strangers” is about where a few eerie characters stalk a couple who have just moved into a house, because the strangers believe this is still their house. The film is very spooky and once again looks very realistic because there isn’t much editing, and this is how I want my film to be.
“Scream”  is another film I want to focus on, as the first opening scene includes great suspense, which is what I am going to interpret into my own opening sequence. The beginning two minutes of this film will be quite similar to my movie as it is to do with an intruder, however mine will be from the outside looking in.

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